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AMD’s Radeon Technologies Group highlights next-gen HDR, new FreeSync capabilities
Last week, AMD hosted its first RTG (Radeon Technology Group) tech conference in Sonoma, California since restructuring the company to give discrete graphics more independence. The company laid out its plans for graphics technology in 2016, including new FreeSync options and support for High Dynamic Range (HDR) monitors. 

Current monitors and displays are only capable of reproducing a fraction of the luminance the human eye can perceive. The chart below shows the luminance values of common light sources, from sunlight at 1.6 billion nits down to ultra-black, at 0.01 nits. According to AMD, the average PC LCD only supports 0-250 nits, while a high-end LCD TV might stretch to 350-400 nits, at most.  

That’s going to start changing in the next 12 months, thanks to new HDR support from high-end 4K televisions and cutting-edge OLED technology. HDR LCD’s can theoretically hit 1K today with 2K on the market by the end of next year, while OLEDs can push 500 nits today and up to 1K in 12 months.

Improving display quality isn’t just about increasing luminance; HDR support requires a new color standard as well. The diagram below shows a number of color space standards used in various applications and fields. The outer horseshoe is known as the chromaticity diagram — those are all the colors that a human with normal color vision can perceive. The innermost triangle with the purple dot at the top is the SRGB color space that both Blu-ray and Windows use by default. (Whether or not your LCD actually displays this space correctly is an entirely different topic). 

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